Refer and Earn


Win $100 with our solar Referral Program Would you like the cash, or you'd like to travel ?With Sunburn Solar you can win both!

Are you an existing satisfied customer with our services?

We are glad to see that we delivered on our promise and won your trust.

Refer friends and family to solar energy and get you all rewarded.

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Are you a big supporter of solar energy and want more people to receive the benefits and provide for the environment?

Refer them to us and win for you for them and all of us even if WE did not install your solar system.

You must’ve felt we delivered on our promise, and you want one of your friends to get the same feeling as you.

Invite them to join the program, and you’ll both receive the gift.

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Are you a business owner who's enjoying the benefits of a solar system and want more businesses to be included in the solar revolution?

You must be in love with your solar system and
want to invite one of your friends.

Provide us with their details and let us reward you both.

The more solar on Aussie roofs, the better for all of us.

Get them to start on the solar revolution.

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Alex received $500 referral bonus

Sunburn Solar

Grace got $350 shopping voucher

Sunburn Solar

Henry earned $100 gift card

Sunburn Solar

Charlotte got $250 discount card

Sunburn Solar

Noah received $500 referral bonus

Sunburn Solar

Isla earned $300 cash discount

referring Sunburn Solar

Lucas got $400 to refer sunburn solar

his neighbour

Chloe earned a $200 scratch card

Sunburn Solar

Ivy got $150 to refer sunburn solar

my friend

Amelia got $500 to refer sunburn solar

my aunt Olivia

    Refer and Earn

    Your details

    Reward Options

    Your friend's details

    1. 5% Price Beat offer will not be applicable for quotations created under the Referral Program

    Terms & Conditions

    • The referred person or business must not have previously been in touch with SunBurn Solar
    • Payment will be organised within 28 days of the referred customer’s system being installed and paid for in full
    • Referral fee will be paid via Pre-Paid VISA Gift Cards
    • In the event that we receive the same referral from different referees, only the first referral will be considered
    • Referrals are valid for 3 months
    Request a Quote